Oct 7, 2018
You Don't Meet In An Inn presents Beam Saber: The Cenotaph.
After a rough mission for The Raccoons, the squad takes it easy as they try to de-stress, repair their AWVs, and work towards a brighter future. It's much easier now that The Raccoons aren't gunning for them anymore. Quiet moments like these lead to reflection, and some of our pilots have things they'd rather forget...
This is an audio recording of the Beam Saber: The Cenotaph livestream that is every Tuesday 6pm EST on our twitch channel.
Beam Saber is a Forged in the Dark Game by Austin Ramsay. If you'd like to support its development Austin has a Patreon.
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This episode is edited by Christine Blight.
The opening music is Eagle Ver.M by Sakagami Souichi.
The closing music is Cooler Heads Prevail by TeknoAXE