Jul 31, 2019
This Mission Report comes from the Cenotaph stream campaign.
out what is in the Twinler & Red HQ that would make the Saints go
through the trouble of occupying it, by taking a contract from the
Saints to make the facility safe.
EMPLOYER: The Breath of Faith (tier 3W; Church
TARGET: The March of Saints (tier 5S; Theocracy)
OBJECTIVE: Gather actionable intel on the Saints intentions by answering 3 questions: what does the Sovereignty Engine do? Where is the SE located? How is the SE controlled?
SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: make the HQ safe for workers; provides additional supply roll if the primary objective remains hidden.
ROE: no structural damage, no harm to Saints personnel, no revealing the true purpose of the mission.
There are hazardous materials spilled, aerosolized flammables that
will burn/explode if exposed to a spark (such as from a broken
light/holo projector, or firearm). There are active security
measures in the forms of two types of drones (flying melee drones,
and heavy combat drones). There are escaped experiments (nano
maintained “zombies” in the form of facility personnel and a single
Izyan dragon). Harlan Smythe with a Jovangellian spec-ops team are
here investigating the same questions. The answers to the 3
questions about the SE are on separate levels in appropriate
departments. The prototype/secondary control room (can issue
commands but not override the primary controls) for the SE is in
the bottom level attached to the PALAI server banks room for
testing purposes. The heavy duty server towers in the bottom level
can be moved with great speed and force by PALAI or