Aug 7, 2019
Jovangellians have rapidly redeployed forces to occupy Journey
City. With the intel that you've retrieved from the Twinler & Red
HQ, we believe that somehow the Jovangellians know the primary
control room is in The Tower at the center of Journey City. We've
called in some favors and so you'll have support form the Paladins
of St Nqabutho, the Dark Room, and Lady Elreth
EMPLOYER: Breath of The Faith
TARGET: Shade Spear (Tier 3S)
OBJECTIVE: Stop the Jovangellians from getting control of the Sovereignty Engine.
ROE: None. We cannot allow the Sovereignty Engine to fall into Jovangellian control.
COMPLICATION: Jason Bassel, Harlan Smythe, and Alice Foundation are all here. Jason with the Hyenas and Alice with the Heard are outside in AWVs. Harlan is inside with Shadespear. The Tower Defenders will try to keep anyone else out of the Tower (they don't know that Shadespear are already inside). Lady Elreth is ONLY interested in fighting strong opponents, which could become the Squad if they prove their skill. Pars Piani has orders to figure out what the Jovangellians and Myriad know that the DFS doesn't, and will act in the DFS' best interests.