Aug 14, 2019
This Mission Report is provided by Pteroid, a member of the Beam Saber community and discord server!
Briefing: Everyone’s favorite fascists, the Hammers, have recently completed a recruitment drive in Might and are receiving supplies to properly train their aspiring goon squad. Chief among them are state of the art AR Modules loaded inside helmets that supply chemical injections to the brain at the instructors’ discretion. Wholesome. Sciolist and her virtual associates don’t quite cotton to that idea and want you to hit the convoy en route from The Tower and either destroy the helmets (good) or transmit a specially crafted virus into the helmets (better).
Employer: Sciolist (Tier I S, Independent)
Target: The Hammers (Tier III S, Oligarchy)
Objective: Destroy or Subvert the Hammer training helmets.
ROE: No Non-Cop Casualties. Don’t Take Any Helmets For Yourself. Don’t Snitch On Scio!
Complications: The Hammers are receiving help from a group of Squaddies trying to get in Nor’s good books. A Burden cell wish to steal the helmets to be reprogrammed for ‘interrogation’ purposes. The Hammers have four ‘Pulsar Platinum’ Escort mechs with the delivery truck and a LOT more waiting should it pass into the Autonomous Region.