Oct 30, 2019
This Mission Report is provided by Proxy Tango, a member of the Beam Saber community and discord server!
Briefing: A new trend is spreading across the Exodus Republics Incorporated core worlds, an interest in authentic Earth wildlife! The demand for exotic fauna in leisure parks across ExInc space has lead Trans-Horizons Incorporated to contract Takuma Transportation Solutions with the collection of any old animal they can get their hands on. TTS have subcontracted you to lead a herd of ‘Unicorns’ to a specially made corral for processing, auction, and eventual transportation to a private ExInc Zoo. The catch? Those Unicorns are good eating and a squad of Raccoons is after them. Take them out and don’t damage the product.
Employer: Takuma Transportation Solutions [Tier III-W, Corporatocracy]
Target: The Raccoons [Tier I-S, Autocracy]
Objective: Get the ‘Unicorns’ to the designated corral site. Secondary: Bonus pay if you get them all there with no casualties.
ROE: Don’t shoot the product, do NOT let anyone else in on our new cash cow, Path Cascade is to be shot on sight (Trans-Horizons Inc. Company Policy)